Permament position at IMR for an ichtyologist specializing in fish eggs and larvae
The Plankton Group of the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) is looking to expand their research and expertise on fish eggs and larval distributions along the coast of Norway, as well as in offshore waters of the North sea and the Norwegian Sea. This permanent research position is allocated to the Plankton Group, but the candidate is also expected to work closely with other research groups at IMR (e.g. the Demersal and Pelagic Fish Groups) involved in stock assessments and recruitment studies.
The successful candidate will coordinate and take part in sample collections on cruises and supervise species identification of plankton, eggs and fish larvae. It is expected that the candidate also will maintain a peer review publishing record and be an active participant in ICES working groups on fish recruitment. The job will at times require travelling and active participation on research cruises (2-4 weeks duration) in Norwegian waters.