History of the ELHS

Formation of the ELHS was unanimously authorized by the general membership during the 1979 AFS annual meeting in West Yellowstone, Montana. Bylaws were proposed and approved the following year, and ELHS was officially sanctioned on 22 September 1980 at the AFS annual meeting in Louisville, Kentucky. ELHS membership rapidly grew to over 300 and we were granted voting membership on the Society’s Executive Committee (now Governing Board).



The annual Larval Fish Conferences that serve as the focal point of ELHS activities evolved from a series of informal, freshwater-oriented, symposia that began in 1977. The current Larval Fish Conferences, which are hosted and sponsored by various organizations throughout North America (occasionally overseas), cover a broad international spectrum of freshwater, estuarine, and marine topics related to fish early life history. For more meeting details, check the Meetings section and Stages, the official ELHS Newsletter.