ELHS is directed by an executive committee. Voting members are the elected officers: president, president-elect, secretary, secretary-elect, and treasurer. Non-voting members of the executive committee are the appointed newsletter editors, committee chairs, webmaster, and historian, elected regional representatives, past presidents.
Elected Officers: |
President: Dominique Robert Institut des sciences de la mer Université du Québec à Rimouski Rimouski, QC, Canada |
President-Elect: Susana Garrido Division of Modelling and Management of Fisheries Ressources Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere Lisboa, Portugal |
Secretary: Marta Moyano Oceanography section Norwegian Institute for Water Research Oslo, Norway |
Secretary-Elect: Kelsey Swieca Hatfield Marine Science Center Oregon State University Newport, Oregon, USA |
Treasurer: Rebecca G. Asch Department of Biology East Carolina University Greenville, NC, USA |
Appointed Officers: |
Newsletter Editors:
Alison Deary Nalani Schnell |
Early Career Committee: Kelsey Swieca Kelia Axler Emma Siegfried |
Webmaster: Olivier Morissette Département des sciences fondamentales Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Chicoutimi, QC, Canada |
Historian: Stuart Ludsin Department of Evolution, Ecology & Organismal Biology The Ohio State University Columbus, OH, USA |
Regional Representatives: |
Northcentral Region: Stacey Ireland USGS Great Lakes Science Center Ann Arbor, MI, USA |
Northeast Region: Katey Marancik Northeast Fisheries Science Center National Marine Fisheries Service Narragansett, RI, USA |
Southern Region: Trika Gerard Southeast Fisheries Science Center National Marine Fisheries Service Miami, FL, USA |
Western Region: Dan Margulies Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission La Jolla, CA, USA |
Pacific Rim Region: Akinori Takasuka The University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan |
European Region: Catriona Clemmesen Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research GEOMAR Germany |