J.H.S. Blaxter received a first-class honors in Zoology at Oxford University in 1952. At that time, the Department was headed by Sir Alister Hardy and it was Sir. Alister that recommended John for an appointment to the Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, Scotland. At Aberdeen, John published a series of papers on herring biology with an emphasis on larval development. John’s next position was at Aberdeen University, where he spent five years before moving to the Oban Laboratory of the Scottish Marine Biological Association, where he remained until he retired.
Over a period of 40 years John published over 140 papers (his first in 1953 was published in Nature) and books and directed the research of approximately 20 Ph.D. students. His work, focusing on aspects of larval fish development, physiology and behavior, has influenced many researchers around the world. John has served on numerous committees and councils, convened conferences, and edited multiple proceedings including Advances in Marine Biology.
During his long and distinguished career John collaborated with scientists from all over the world. The careers of many members in the Early Life History Section have been influenced by John’s research and his teaching. The Best Student Poster Award has been established by his colleagues in recognition of his contributions to Early Life History Research.